Well, sort of. We're planning The Big Move. Hayden is four months old and knocking on wood he's sleeping very well through the night, so we're planning to move him into his own room soon. In fact, the plan is to move him in permanently when we get home from our trip. I spent the majority of tonight re-organizing the nursery (such as it is) and making his bed.
My folks were very kind to purchase the adorable Eli's Elephants nursery set from Pottery Barn Kids. When I saw it online, I fell in love. I didn't realize that they were apparently discontinuing the theme so I couldn't get the mobile, window treatments and all the other cute stuff that would have made Hayden's room a nursery. I'm disappointed, to say the least, but it doesn't matter. I've never been one for the match-y match-y stuff, so I can just put something else together on my own. Tonight, I put the crib skirt down (as much as I could in the Ikea crib we got), put the waterproof pad on our new mattress and put the cute PBK fitted sheet on it. I had to untie and re-tie the crib bumper to accommodate the mattress, but all told, it looks cute and should be comfortable for Hayden.
But when I walk past his room, which is a lot, I feel like it's empty. There is nothing on his walls. To be fair, there's really not much on the walls in our house. I don't feel like this house is my home, honestly, and I never have. Over the past seven years we've done little things here and there to personalize an otherwise bland house. Our walls are mainly still the inoffensive beige that most new construction has, with the kitchen and the guest bathroom being the exceptions. The kitchen is a bright, lemony yellow that we accented with dark red valences with oranges, lemons and blueberries (I think) decorating them. It took us about 2 years to get the valences up. The guest bathroom was a project from a couple of years ago: sage green with aqua, brown and green accessories. We hung a drape, just one panel for the one window, in the living room and we have sheer panels in our bedroom. That's it. One picture in the living room, a plaque from Margaritaville in the kitchen, an elephant photo series in the hall near a hand-crocheted wall hanging and a golf swing print in the office.
I have a bunch of artwork that I'd love to hang, but it all requires framing, which will be expensive. Add to that the fact that we're going to be putting the house on the market before too long, so what do I do? Do I spend a lot of time, effort and money to really decorate the house? Or do I just wait till we move? I mean, it's not like Hayden will notice that there isn't anything fun on his walls. And we don't have enough guests to see that I'm apparently a lazy decorator, so should I really expend the energy?
Well, that's about all I can process for now- it's been a long few days.
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