Random Candids

That's my Mama!

Getting to be such a big boy so fast!
hanging in my Bumbo

Mama Kissin
Gnawing my fingers

Mirror image?

Upside down!

Enthralled with the ceiling fan

Mama!!! Quit ticklin'!!!

Flirting with Ms. Holly

Blanket too?

Introducing Hayden Alexander

5 weeks old and stealing Daddy's nose
Meeting cousin Nehemiah
Snuggling with BlueBearY

Chillin with Aunt Stephanie
Isn't he amazing?
Papa Francis keeping an eye on me

Stephanie, Nehemiah and Hayden
Ms. Donna and Hayden
Relaxing with Papa
Telling Mimi secrets (6 weeks)
Listening to Bob Bob's words of wisdom

Hello, son!
Telling him how much I love him

First kisses
Snoozing on Mama

That was funny Mimi!
Father and son for the first time

Sleeping through his first Easter egg hunt

We were a little tired...

Go Big Blue!!!


Sweet Nehemiah

Love for my homies (8 weeks)
Not quite 24 hours old
Hi Nana Phyllis!
Snuggle time!
Just relaxing with Mama
First night as a daddy

One of the  newest UK fans

My daddy loves me so much!
BobBob watching over Mimi and Hayden

My Aunt Diddy keeping me awake (her favorite job!)
Father and son

Miss Kristen
Auntie Dusty

Such a sweet face
OK y'all... Let's blow this Popsicle stand
We're home at last!
Catching some doctor-ordered rays
Hayden and his great-grandfather
With Godmama Palmer
Chillin' with Mimi
Wearing my Easter Best
"We are Siamese if you please..."
Nice binky placement, Daddy
So THIS is my Uncle Randy...
Easter Sunday with my Mimi
Hayden, Mimi and Great-Gram Gram
With Great-Great Uncle Charlie
Hi Aunt BeeBee!
The two loves of my life
Snuggled into my bassinet
Meeting his new buddy, Kellen
Doctor-ordered sunbathing
Daddy snuggle time
Chillin' out with Aunt Diddy
Hello Godmommy Palmer!
Meeting his godfather Jacob
Don't eat the baby!
Mommy concentrating hard on my first bath!
Hayden and his great-grandmother
Just lounging around (6 days old!)
Naptime at the Thompson's
Hayden's first Derby, May 7, 2011
Playing Xbox with Daddy
Abbie loves Hayden's play gym
Aunt Diddy and Dave getting practice
Meeting cousins January (L) and Danielle (R)
Sleepin' on Bob Bob
Hangin' with Great Aunt Libba
Easter snuggles with cousin Maggie

1 comment:

  1. I love the last picture of Michael & Hayden. It brought tears to my eyes! =)


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